Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm Still Here

I haven't posted for a while, so thought I would just do a quick one to show that I am still here.  I haven't been doing so well with my photo a day.  It's just been so hot here in Perth, that I don't want to go outside anywhere to take photos and there is only so much you can photograph inside!!

Chloe is loving year one at school and they just started up Edu-Dance there yesterday.  They do it for one term and at the end of the term they put on a concert. 

Luke passed his Stage 1 at swimming lessons the other day and he was so proud of himself.  He got a 'Big Ticket' Certificate that he loves looking at.

I have actually managed to do some scrapbooking after a long while of not having any inspiration to do anything.  I went and got some photos printed the other day, so that got me going again.  I did a double page of the U2 concert we went to in December, I'll put some photos up later of that.  I also started a page of a photo of my great great grandparents.  My Uncle put a pile of old family photos and marriage certificates and army discharge papers and other cool stuff onto some discs for me.  I'm going to scrap an album of a bit of our family history with all the old photos and the stories behind them so the kids can have it to look at.  There are a lot of interesting stories that I have been hearing about, so I can't wait to scrap it all.

I do have a couple of photos to share.  I bought what I thought was a white flowered frangipani, but to my surprise when it flowered it wasnt' white at all....

This is the plant below and it has nearly doubled in size in a month!!!  Must all that good fertilizer Brad brings home.

Time for me to go, Luke has swimming lessons now.



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