Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Couple of Snaps to Share

Hi there, hope everyone is well and surviving this awful humid heat we have been having here in Perth lately.  It's been horrible.

We have just had a long weekend here and we decided to go camping down in Busselton.  The kids LOVE camping and it has been nearly a year since we had our last trip, so as you can imagine, they were very excited. 

I did take the camera, but didn't really get too much of an opportunity to take many photos as we were away with 2 other families, so I didn't want to be going off to take snaps.

But I did get a few.

Here are 2 I thought I would share

This little guy was just sitting on some shadecloth at the bottom of the fence next to our tent when we were packing up to go home.  He wasn't frightened by 6 kids crowded around him or by the noise or people moving around packing up.  He stayed for quite a while just watching what we were doing.

We took the kids for a walk out on this little jetty as it was hot and they were tired, so we didn't attempt the big jetty you can see in the background.  I'm hoping next time we will get to walk on the big one and that I will be able to get some photos of it when there isn't lots of people around.

We all had a great time and can't wait for our big camping trip up north in May to Exmouth and Coral Bay.

Well, that's it for me for today.  Am off to have a rest as I have managed to get some sort of a flu.

Thanks for stopping by.


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